Care Navigation

Care Navigation is about getting the right care, by the right person, first time for patients in Rotherham.  The programme started in April 2017 and from June 2018, twenty eight of Rotherham GP Practices are offering their patients some alternatives to having a GP appointment, if it is suitable for them.  The Receptionist will ask you a couple of questions to find out the nature of your call and they may suggest another service that would be more appropriate for you to attend.

Receptionists will not refuse an appointment, they will just suggest alternative services which could save you time.  If you have a problem which can’t be dealt with by Reception or Care Navigated, they will simply book you an appointment as normal.

Due to increasing demand nationally for GP appointments, Care Navigation is being rolled out in various locations across the country.  By cutting out unnecessary GP appointments and enabling patients to self-refer, should provide a quicker service for patients and helps save GP appointments. 

Minor Eye Conditions Service

Do you have a minor eye problem?  Sore eyes? Red eyes? Visual Disturbances? 

There are now free NHS appointments available at participating options.

Please open the leaflet below for further information and a list of participating opticians.

Patient Information Leaflet – Minor Eye Conditions Service

Physio First

We have a physiotherapist based at Maltby Health Centre as well as various other locations across Rotherham.  Reception can book you a 20 minutes appointment, where your condition can be assessed if you are suffering from:

  • Back Pain
  • Spinal Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Pain in the elbow, wrist or hand
  • Shoulder pain on movement
  • Pain in the hip, knee or ankle
  • Sprain/Strains/Twisting Injury

If the Physio thinks you require medication or a sick note, he will send a task to the GP asking them for this.

Please Note:  You cannot be seen by Physio First for an above problem if you have seen a clinician regarding the same problem within the last 2 weeks.

Self Care Via Pharmacy

Your local pharmacist can help with many common conditions, with advise and over the counter medication where needed.

Pharmacies can deal with:

  • Acne
  • Athletes Foot
  • Bites/Stings
  • Blocked Nose, Cold
  • Cold Sores/Mouth Ulcers
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Constipation
  • Cough/Sore Throat
  • Cradle Cap
  • Dandruff
  • Dry Skin/Dermatitis
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ear Wax
  • Earache
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Fever
  • Hay Fever
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Head lice
  • Infantile Colic
  • Nappy Rash
  • Sprain/Strain
  • Sunburn/Sun Protection Creams
  • Teething
  • Threadworms
  • Thrush
  • Toothache
  • Travel Sickness


If you are pregnant you can be referred directly to the Community Midwife, there is no need to see a GP first.  Just give your details to Reception and they will send the referral to the Midwife Service.

Integrated Lifestyle Service

Service Name – Get Healthy Rotherham

Tel: 01709 718720

Email: [email protected]

The Get Healthy Rotherham single point of access is available to all Rotherham residents over the age of 18

    Get Healthy Rotherham directly provides:

  • Digital lifestyle support for Stop smoking, losing weight, getting more active, and drinking less alcohol
  • Phone and / or face to face support with stop smoking and weight management 
  • NHS Health Checks

Face to face sessions available at a range of community venues including:

(NB-This may be subject to change please consult the services for the most up to date information)

  • Market HUB                      
    Monday – Friday 9.00 – 4.30
    Saturday 9.00 – 2.00
  • Rotherham Fire Station                   
    Monday 1.00 – 5.00,
    Tuesday 9.00 – 5.00
    Thursday 9.00 – 5.00


Residents can self-refer by registering on this website or calling 01709 718720

  • If residents self-refer they can complete an online or phone assessment
  • Those referred will be asked a series of questions to understand their lifestyle, what support they would like and what services they are eligible for
  • Residents can then choose which services they would like to find out more about and request a referral or signpost
  • Residents will be followed up over 12 months to find out how they are getting on and to offer additional support
  • All Get Healthy Rotherham services are free. Some external services that Get Healthy Rotherham refer or signpost to may have a charge. The resident will be informed if there is a charge before they choose to be referred  

Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking has now become part of “Get Healthy Rotherham” –

Get Healthy Rotherham provides a range of lifestyle improvement support for the following:

  • Weight Management
  • Smoking Cessation (The GP Practice cannot prescribe you stop smoking medication, but Get Healthy Rotherham can)
  • NHS Health Checks (Age 40-74 eligibility criteria applies)
  • Alcohol Screening
  • Digital and Remote Behaviour Change Support

IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

IAPT have a team of Counsellors and Therapists trained to help you with some common mental health issues.  You don’t need to be referred by a Doctor.

Rotherham IAPT can help patients with the following:

  • Feeling Low/Down
  • Feeling Depressed
  • Feeling Anxious/Worried 
  • Feeling Stressed
  • Panic Attacks
  • Poor Sleep

You can self refer by phoning 01709 447755

For more information and advise visit their website

Adult Drug and Alcohol Services

Service Name : CGL Rotherham

Based at Carnson House, Rotherham.

Contact 01709 917649 or email  [email protected]

Young People’s Drug and Alcohol

Service Name: DIVERT – Rotherham

Based at Carnson House, 1 Moorgate Road, Rotherham.

Contact 01709 917651 or email [email protected]

DIVERT Rotherham is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for children and young people aged up to 18. DIVERT is a specialist substance misuse support service for young people affected by drugs or alcohol living in Rotherham.  

Based at Carnson House, 1 Moorgate Road, Rotherham.

You can call us on 01709 917651 or email us on [email protected].


If you would like to refer yourself or another young person to service, please either call or email us using the above contact details.

You can also complete our referral form in advance (on the website) and either email it or take it with you when you visit the service.

Sexual Health

Rotherham Integrate Sexual Health Service

Confidential & Friendly Service

Services Include:

  • Contraception
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Hepatitis B Vaccines & Screening
  • Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)
  • HIV Care
  • Free Tests and Treatment
  • Safer Sex Information
  • Vasectomy Service

The confidential service will be available, at the hospital on C Level, Junction 3

  • Monday – Thursday: 9am-8pm
  • Friday: 9am-5pm
  • Saturday: 10am-2pm

For further information or to book an appointment: Telephone – 01709 427777

A range of community based youth clinics are also provided at the following times and locations (NB – this may be subject to change please consult the services website for the most up to date information):

  • Wath Comprehensive School:                                   Monday 12.30-1.30pm
  • JADE Young Person’s Centre, Dinnington:               Monday 3-5pm
  • Dearne Valley College:                                              Tuesday 11.45am-1.30pm
  • Swinton Comprehensive School:                               Wednesday 3-5pm
  • Rawmarsh Community School:                                 Thursday 3-5pm
  • Maltby Linx Youth Centre:                                        Thursday 3-5pm

The service provides confidential advice, testing and free treatment of sexually transmitted infections and HIV, as well as a full range of contraception.

For more information about Chlamydia testing –


GPs do not deal with any Dental problems.  This includes infections/abscesses

As advised by the British Medical Association, GPs should not attempt to manage a condition requiring dental skills unless they have the appropriate training and expertise.  Simply issuing antibiotics won’t address any underlying problems and may mask symptoms, potentially resulting in a worse long term outcome or missing a more serious condition.  Both the civil courts and the General Medical Council require doctors to have appropriate skills for any treatment they offer and therefore legally and ethically GP’s can’t provide dental treatment as they are not qualified to do so.

If you are housebound, please contact your registered dentist and ask them to refer you for a home assessment.

If you do not have a dentist, please visit NHS Choices or contact NHS 111 to direct you